Mexico The Toluca team continues with our philosophy of training our staff. They held the annual training of their Multifunctional Brigade. The training was provided by a team of Civil Protection from Toluca, State of Mexico, which was very valuable because not only did it teach the theory behind the brigade, but even more, it allowed hands-on practice for the brigade. Included in the demonstration was  the correct way to lift and load an injured individual on a stretcher, how to properly use firefighter’s equipment, and the correct way to use a fire extinguisher.

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The training ended with an evacuation drill of all facilities which was a great success. This training helped the brigade become aware of how to respond to any incident or emergency within the plant.

On April 28, the plant brigade was invited by the Secretary of Labor and Social Welfare of the State of Mexico to participate in the “Workers’ Memorial Day.”  During this training, the Android team was given the opportunity to interact with other companies.

Training topics for this day included:

  • Preventing and combating fires using extinguishers, which was provided by Toluca’s Firefighters
  • Social Security, Department of Education and Training in Occupational Safety and Health of the Secretary of Labor
  • Basic First Aid, delivered by the Emergency Department of the State of Mexico, SUEM
  • Knowledge of the Official Mexican NOM 030 about Preventive Services Safety and Health, by the Inspection Branch of the Secretary of Labor
  • Conference about Occupational Stress, by the National Director of Emotional Welfare

    Through this training, our enterprise security and the training for our Multifunctional Brigade is stronger.

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    Thank you for your participation Team!!!